Staff Reporter: Gonoshasthaya Kendra rendered health services to 1,111 Rohingyas living in refugee camp in Bhasan Char of Noakhali district in a medical camp.
The three day medical camp was started since Monday.
A team of specialists’ physicians participated the camp to assist the forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals there. Most of the patients were women and children.
Specialists in medicine, ophthalmology, gynecology,obstetrics, surgery, dermatology and sex, were seen patients.
A big portion of the patients were suffering from skin diseases.
In addition, malnutrition among pregnant mothers and children has been seen. The doctors gave necessary advices and medicines as well as pathological services also given them.
There were arrangements for different tests and ultrasonography services also.
Chief Executive Officer of the Kendra, Dr. Manzoor Qadir led the team.
Professor of Pediatrics Dr. Mesbah Uddin Ahmed, Consultant of the Department of Surgery, Dr. Ratnagir Kabir, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. Gaur Gopal Saha, Department of Medicine Consultant Dr. ATM Abdul Hannan, Consultant in the Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Dr. Fahmida Haque, Medical Officer. Nishat Tasneem, Gaini and Abs, Associate Professor, Farzana Begum, Medical Officer, Farzana Akhter and Psychosocial Counselor Mahmuda Reba, among others, participated in the team.
Gonoshasthaya rendered medical services in Bhasanchar Rohingyas