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Saturday, December 28, 2024
Founder : Barrister Mainul Hosein

We stand against injustice, discrimination

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The Daily New Nation marks its 44th years of founding anniversary today. We have been doing journalism all through those years bringing to light the numerous problems of the people, particularly those at the grassroots. This daily has been telling the stories of people and the causes they fight for. We are also committed to providing readers with unbiased and undiluted information about the happenings at home and abroad. We always try to remain true to our commitment.
In celebration of the anniversary, we are full of honour to present to our valued readers and well-wishers a colourful and well-illustrated 32-page special supplement in addition to our normal publication. To publish a special edition, it covers over the course of a month — there are writers to be contacted, story budgets to be updated, fundraisers to be organized, and edits to be completed. Then there is the final stretch of all-nighters with our production team as the pages are designed and proofed, headlines and captions written, final changes made and then the whole month’s work is sent to the printing press.
We are happy to say that the contributors, who are experts, practitioners, researchers, eminent economists, scholars and academics, have done a commendable job in presenting us with very insightful and rich articles. They include politics and good governance; politics and bureaucracy; economy and finance; higher education; art and culture; human rights and international politics; education and career; health and care; environment; education management; women empowerment; migration challenges; and youth and development.
We have tried to make the contents of the articles thought-provoking, objective, constructive, and positively directional, which we are confident will add value to the existing work on the topics covered in the supplement. It is truly impressive.
The New Nation, the country’s oldest English daily, from the beginning has been maintaining an editorial policy with the motto of covering all sorts of news stories without fear and favour. This independence stance has made this newspaper useful in ventilating people’s views and grievances.
Currently, we are amid a myriad of crises. We fought for independence in 1971 as the solution of economic disparity within a wider united Pakistan framework. But after 51 years of independence, economic disparity within our own people has widened so much which is undreamed of. It’s really shocking. Besides, we are also seeing the declining trend in foreign funds, remittance, and the protected crisis like Rohingya repatriation. In such a situation, we need to intensify our voices for the solution of the Rohingya crisis to the global leaders for their actions.
We take the opportunity of expressing our gratitude to our valued readers and patrons, who have inspired us consistently and have shown keen interest in our continuing progress and lent unstinting support in fulfilling our objective. The pro-people policy of this daily has to be kept on and taken forward despite many challenges. We are committed to stand against injustice and discrimination.

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