DUJ New Nation unit formed


Staff Reporter :

The New Nation Unit of the Dhaka Union of journalists (DUJ) was formed at a general meeting on Monday at its office with Md Mokarram Hossain, Editor of The New Nation, in the chair.

Journalists Kamruzzaman Bablu and Md Mosharef Hossain Sikdar (Noman Mosharef) have been elected Unit Chief and Deputy Unit Chief respectively of the newly formed unit.


Khondaker Almogir Hossain, treasurer of DUJ and Md Anawarul Hoque (Gazi Anowar), executive committee member of the DUJ were present as Chief and special guests at the meeting.

Md Mokarram Hossain said it was a long time demand to form a unit in The New Nation which has fulfilled today (Monday). The New Nation had been deprived last fifteen years from its right to get facilities from the government as it was the voice against the fascist regime. I think newly formed committee will work for secureing the journalists rights.

Newly elected unit chief Kamruzzaman Bablu, deputy unit chief Md Mosharef Hossain Sikdar (Noman Mosharef), executive editor Farrukh Khosru, news editor Md. Wahidul Islam, DUJ treasurer Khondaker Almogir Hossain, DUJ executive committee member Md Anawarul Hoque (Gazi Anowar) and others were present at the meeting.
