NN Online:The Osaka Marathon 2025 was held yesterday, Monday (February 24), where Bangladeshi ultra-distance runner Imamur Rahman participated. About 35,000 runners, from more than 50 countries around the world participated in this marathon.
After completing the competition, Imamur raised the flag of Bangladesh at the finish line in Osaka, Japan. Imamur said, ‘The Osaka Marathon is a prestigious competition. The world’s elite runners participate here. The race started in the excessive cold in the morning. The temperature was 0 degrees Celsius. In the middle of race started snow falling. Then the temperature dropped to -2. Although it was a challenge to finish the race in this difficult weather, I was able to finish the race safely. I successfully finished the race with enjoying the beauty of Osaka city. This opportunity to represent my country is a matter of great pride. It is a special honor for me to raise the country’s flag in a foreign land. It is pride for me to take the picture with the Bangladeshi flag and medal after the competition.
Imamur Rahman completed the UTMB Asia Major 100 KM Ultra Trail Marathon last year as the first Bangladeshi, and also completed international races like Phuket 100 KM Ultra Marathon, Udonpit Run, Pattaya Marathon, TCS Amsterdam Marathon in 2024. Imamur Rahman’s international marathon journey in 2025 started from Japan.
This young runner is ready to represent the country by participating in more international marathons, ultra and ultra trail marathons in the future.
Ultra Runner Imamur successfully completed Osaka Marathon 2025