A global icon of Bangladeshi dance shines bright


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Since 2000, a remarkable figure in the Bangladeshi dance scene has been capturing international attention with his innovative choreography and performances. Recently, this artist received a prestigious certificate of recognition from the City of Los Angeles, further solidifying his impact on the global stage.

At the Ananda Mela festival in Los Angeles, he was awarded Best Dance Choreography, a testament to his dedication and skill in showcasing Bangladeshi culture. His captivating performance alongside fellow dancer Mondira Chakraborty earned them enthusiastic applause and standing ovations, demonstrating their exceptional artistry.

Beginning his dance journey at just five years old, he trained under esteemed mentors, mastering traditional Bangla folk, contemporary dance, and classical forms like Kathak and Bharatanatyam. This extensive training has allowed him to thrive on both national and international platforms.


Over the years, he has brought the vibrancy of Bangladeshi folk dance to audiences in countries such as Japan, Mexico, Poland, France, Egypt, Malaysia, and Thailand. His dedication to cultural exchange is evident, as he strives to elevate Bangladeshi dance within the global dance community.

In his own words, he reflects on his achievements: “The award is always a great recognition and feeling. This is the first time I am awarded beyond my country, and it’s an indescribable moment of pride.”

In addition to his performances, he plays a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of dancers as the founder and director of the Nupur Nikkon Dance Academy. His previous experience as a dance instructor at the Bangladesh Navy School and College, as well as his choreography for popular reality TV shows like Channel i Shera Nachiye, underscores his commitment to the arts.

With a relentless passion for dance and an unwavering determination, he stands as a symbol of success for Bangladeshi dance, inspiring dancers and audiences worldwide. As he continues to make his mark, the global community eagerly anticipates his upcoming performances, ensuring that Bangladeshi dance remains vibrant on the world stage.