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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Founder : Barrister Mainul Hosein

Stocks open week downward


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BSS, Dhaka :
Stock market opened week Sunday downward due to lower activities by the investors who were apparently in cautious move to see the impact of the latest policy measures by the regulatory bodies including the central bank.
The broader indices at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) lost further to close the first session of the week down after finishing last week in red as well.
The DSEX plunged by 42.26 points to 5322.86 when the premier DSE experienced low trade. The two selective indices – DS30 and DSES – were also marginally down at 1952.41 and 1249.36 respectively.
The daily trade value at DSE fell by 9.12 percent to Taka 677.97 crore when the volume decreased by 5.64 percent to 21.52 crore shares.
All the major sectors sans life insurance and pharmaceuticals finished lower when only 80 securities ended higher against 227 declining issues. The major losing sectors included cement, telecom and food and allied.
The major gaining issues were Lanka Bangla, Rahim Textile, ACI Formula, People Insurance and Gemini Sea Food.
The major losing securities were EBL 1st MF, Eastern Insurance, Prime 1ICBA, EBLNRBMF and 1JanataMF.

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