Says Abantika’s mother: Will end life along with son if justice is not done

Fairuz Sadaf Abantika, Din Islam, Amman Siddique

Staff Reporter :
Fairuz Sadaf Abantika, a Jagannath University (JnU) Law Department student of the session 2017-18, committed suicide by hanging herself after posting on Facebook on Friday night.

Fairuz committed suicide by hanging herself at her Cumilla residence on Friday night around 10 pm.

After the incident, she was rushed to the district general hospital where the duty doctors declared her death, said our JnU correspondent.

Earlier, in her Facebook post, Abantika mentioned that her classmate Amman Siddique and assistant proctor Din Islam would be responsible for her suicide.

“I am asking the vice-chancellor Sadeka Halim ma’am to judge it as the guardian of this institution”, she mentioned in her Facebook post to seek justice.

In this issue, when asked the main accused Amman Siddiqui said, “I have had no contact with her for a long time.

I am not even connected to Facebook, Messenger or anywhere. To prove myself as guilty I need evidence. These allegations are baseless without evidence”.

Denying the complaint, Assistant Proctor Din Islam said, “I have no involvement with it.

We talked about the boy with the girl a year and a half ago. I want appropriate action to be taken subject to sound investigation of this incident.”

In this regard, victim’s mother Tahmina Shabnam has demanded justice for her beloved daughter’s death.

“My husband died a year ago. Last night my daughter Fairuz died. I can’t bear this grief. I have another son.


If no action is taken against those responsible for my daughter’s death, I will end my life along with my son,” said the wailing mother at her home in Bagichagaon of Cumilla city on Saturday.

Meanwhile, a massive protest broke out and continued till Saturday, demanding justice for Fairuz.

Amid protests of the students, Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Sadeka Halim assured the students that a fair investigation will be conducted according to the laws of the university.

However, the university administration suspended accused assistant proctor Din Islam and her classmate Amman Siddique.

In this regard, an investigation committee consisting of five high-powered members was formed by convening the president of the JnU Teachers’ Association, Professor Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain.

It is noted that the committee has been instructed to quickly investigate the incident and submit a report to the Vice-Chancellor.

Abantika’s namaz-e-janaza was held at her own hometown Cumilla After Zohr prayers on Saturday.

However, JnU students once again organized a rally on the campus at 3 pm where they protested and seek justice for Abantika demanding maximum punishment of accused Amman Siddiqui and Din Islam.

Besides, a human chain was formed in Cumilla city on Saturday demanding justice for Jagannath University (JnU) student Fairuz Abontika.

Locals and different organisations called for the arrest and punishment of those responsible.

An alliance of social and voluntary organisations convened at Pubali Chattar in Comilla city to protest the death.
