S’pore set to end ban on pets


News Desk :
This year Singapore will lift a 34-year-old ban on pets in public housing, letting many cats finally relax.
Adam, 42, the owner of a cat named Tommy and who used a pseudonym due to the regulation, recently told The Guardian he was baffled by the ban’s existence. “Normally for cats, they’re not a problem. Maybe a dog [could be a problem] – they’re noisy, and if a dog bites you’re in trouble,” he said.
The ban, which includes a fine of up to SGD$4,000 ($2,970) and potential pet eviction, is often ignored in Singapore, known for its law-abiding nature.
Though the rule is rarely enforced, issues arise if neighbours complain. The ban applies to high-rise blocks managed by the Housing and Development Board (HDB), established in 1960 to address a housing crisis.
Today, over 80% of the population lives in HDB flats.
The 1989 cat ban cited issues like fur shedding, public defecation and noise.