Shimmy’s up skilling method 20pc efficient: Study


Business Desk :
A recent independent study has confirmed the efficacy of Shimmy Technologies’ innovative up skilling methods, showing a significant 20pc gain in efficiency within the textile and apparel manufacturing factories who partnered with Shimmy.

A new approach to training is right time das factories navigate reduced order sizes juxtaposed with a demand for a wider variety of styles, straining traditional levers to drive efficiency and quality.

In a strategic collaboration with Zalando, Shimmy Technologies has risen to meet these challenges.

The study scrutinized the impact of Shimmy’s interventions in factories like Billah Resources Limited and Fashion Step Ltd, focusing on the ability to enhance skills and adapt to supply chain shifts in line with Zalando’s goals for workforce readiness.

Shimmy’s blended learning model-infused with gamification and accessible instructional design-not only up skilled workers with technical and machine skills but also catalyzed a lean mindset, kindling continuous improvement and a proactive work ethos.

An impressive 99.9% of the workers trained reported a marked increase in technical skills, underscoring the tangible impact of the program.


The study also revealed some compelling outcomes: A 20pc average efficiency boost post- training with Shimmy’s up skilling program, quality advancements indicated by fewer Defects per Hundred Units (DHU) and enhanced productivity, showcasing up skilling as a potent catalyst for improving efficiency and quality in garment manufacturing.

These findings are a power full endorsement of modern, digital, dynamic training methods that not only foster workforce development but also enhance financial performance.

“The training results speak for themselves – the floor’s energy changed, and workers were thoroughly engaged.

Thededicationfromtopmanagementwaspivotalfromtheonset of the trainingtoitsconclusion. Shimmy’s up skilling approach not only heightened productivity but also revitalized our workers’ spirit.

We also noticed a drop in staff turnover and absenteeism, which was an unexpected and welcome development,” said Hasanul Islam, Senior Manager of Human Resources, Fashion Step Ltd. Shimmy is an industrial tech company that up skills and re skills manufacturing workers using digital games and media.

To date, Shimmy has helped over 9,000 workers upgrade their skills in four countries.