Kidney disease awareness programme held at BUHS


Staff Reporter :

Kidney Disease Research Group and Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) conducted a health checkup as a joint collaboration on Thursday on the occasion of World Kidney Health Awareness Day.

The Kidney Disease Research Group (KDRG) collaborating with Bangladesh University of Health Sciences to educate the youth through peer-reviewed studies to the risk-assessment of potential health complications arising from Kidney failures, along with the organization of various joint health programs – including the investigation of possible symptoms relating to kidney diseases.

Collaboration efforts began as early as the morning of the day with an awareness campaign and a screening program hosted at the BUHS. Vice-Chancellor of BUHS, Prof. Dr. Faridul Alam was inaugurated the programme.


Over a hundred professors, students and staff members of the university donated blood and kidney samples with the intent for pursuing potential symptoms associated with kidney diseases.

“Healthy kidneys for all – every individual has equal rights to be subjected to the best medical care available,” is the theme of this year’s Kidney Health Awareness campaign.

BUHS Registrar Prof. Dr. Jahid Hassan, Public Health Department’s dean Prof. Dr. Anwar Hossain, and KDRG’s coordinator and research expert Prof. Dr. Masud Iqbal delivered brief speeches addressing the core philosophies of the subject topic of said campaign.

The speakers emphasized on the risk assessment of kidney diseases among the youth, and announced that they will conduct a study to assess the possible risks of kidney diseases among a sample of over 2000 young students in the near future to aid in the campaign’s efforts.