Hassan O. Rashid, CEO of Prime Bank PLC and Nahid Rahman, Director of the Credit Guarantee Department at Bangladesh Bank (BB), exchange documents after signing an agreement held at BB head office in the capital recently to tap into a Credit Guarantee scheme aimed at uplifting women entrepreneurs by way of Collateral Free Credit, and Easy Access to Finance. This initiative falls under Bangladesh’s comprehensive refinance scheme, designed to bolster Cottage, Micro and small enterprises. Nurun Nahar, Deputy Governor, Mohammad Jamal Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank and senior officials of Prime Bank, were present.

Hassan O. Rashid, CEO of Prime Bank PLC and Nahid Rahman, Director of the Credit Guarantee Department at Bangladesh Bank (BB), exchange documents after signing an agreement held at BB head office in the capital recently to tap into a Credit Guarantee scheme aimed at uplifting women entrepreneurs by way of Collateral Free Credit, and Easy Access to Finance. This initiative falls under Bangladesh's comprehensive refinance scheme, designed to bolster Cottage, Micro and small enterprises. Nurun Nahar, Deputy Governor, Mohammad Jamal Uddin, Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank and senior officials of Prime Bank, were present.