DPC gets Suman new president, secretary Rony


Feni Correspondent :

The election of Daganbhuyan Press Club (DPC) election of Feni was held in a festive atmosphere with enthusiasm. Voting was held from morning to noon on Saturday at the club auditorium. A total of 6 candidates participated in the two positions in this election. Out of 26 voters, 25 exercised their right to vote. One voter could not participate as he was abroad.
Election Commission member Gholam Kibria Azad announced the results after the polling. Md. Yachin Suman of Dainik Inkilab was elected as president by getting 19 votes. Md. Yasin Karim Rony of The New Nation was elected as general secretary by getting 17 votes.
Upazila Cooperative Officer Nurul Mostafa served as the Chief Election Commissioner in the election. Other members of the Election Commission are Bangladesh Teachers Association Daganbhunya Upazila Branch President Golam Kibria Azad, lawyer of Feni Judge Court Adv. Mizanur Rahman Salim.
