Devaluation of Taka will help exchange rate stability: Experts


In recent discussions among economists, a pressing proposal has emerged: devaluing the local currency by 10 to 15 percent against the US dollar.

This suggestion arises against a backdrop of dwindling foreign exchange reserves and a staggering 30 percent depreciation of the Bangladeshi Taka over the past two years.

Proponents argue that such a move would realign the official exchange rate with prevailing unofficial rates and potentially restore much-needed stability to the market.

For far too long, the exchange rate of the Bangladeshi Taka has been artificially fixed, blatantly defying market dynamics.

Yet, this short-sighted strategy has plunged the nation into crisis, depleting reserves due to higher outflows.

Despite significant depreciation, stability remains frustratingly out of reach.

Experts attribute this crisis to a cocktail of mismanagement in macroeconomic policies, encompassing flawed interest rate strategies and mishandling of international reserves.

They advocate for a dynamic exchange rate management system to be implemented under the jurisdiction of the Bangladesh Bank.

They vehemently oppose the undue influence of private associations in dictating rates, calling instead for centralized management.

Crucially, key recommendations include not just devaluation, but also dynamic rate adjustments based on real effective exchange rate indicators and the imperative of interest rate deregulation.


Concurrently, efficient management of authorized dealer banks and revisiting foreign currency transaction policies are deemed crucial. Stricter enforcement against financial irregularities is indispensable.

While recent initiatives in the banking sector are welcomed, caution against impulsive decisions is paramount.

It is high time for the establishment of a banking commission comprising experts to meticulously oversee necessary reforms.

Addressing the prevalent issues of non-performing loans, capital inadequacy, and governance within private banks is non-negotiable.

Regulatory oversight and corporate governance reforms must be urgently implemented.

Looking forward, the significance of educational quality, attracting foreign direct investment, and transitioning towards direct taxation cannot be overstated.

Emphasizing macroeconomic stability and fiscal prudence is pivotal for Bangladesh’s future prosperity.

While the proposal to devalue the Taka may spark debate, it presents an opportunity to recalibrate and restore equilibrium in the foreign exchange market.

However, this must be complemented by a holistic approach, encompassing comprehensive reforms that tackle root causes and fortify the resilience of the financial sector.

Only through concerted, unwavering efforts can Bangladesh successfully navigate its current economic challenges and emerge stronger on the other side. It’s time to act decisively for the nation’s economic well-being.
