Mosquito Menace Worsens: City residents confront growing health challenges


Shahariar Islam Sovon :
Amidst the picturesque landscapes and vibrant communities of Bangladesh, a silent but pervasive threat looms large, the escalating menace of mosquito-borne diseases.

Since the dawn of 2023, the nation has been grappling with a troubling surge in illnesses transmitted by mosquitoes, with over 321,179 individuals hospitalized and more than 1,705 lives lost in the span of just over a year.

Dengue, in particular, has emerged as a formidable adversary, claiming a grim distinction as the leading cause of disease-related fatalities in the country over the past half-decade.

As fears mount and communities reel from the impact, concerns deepen over the susceptibility of children, who represent a staggering 30% of all reported dengue cases, their delicate immune systems rendering them especially vulnerable to the virus’s ravages.

Yet, behind this sobering reality lies a tale of neglect and mismanagement, as urban centers grapple with rampant mosquito infestations amidst growing accusations of systemic failure and environmental neglect.

From bustling neighborhoods to tranquil water bodies now transformed into breeding grounds for disease vectors, Bangladesh finds itself at a critical crossroads, confronting not just a health crisis, but a stark reminder of the urgent need for concerted action and effective governance to stem the tide of this burgeoning threat.

Fear of contracting diseases like dengue or chikungunya looms large among the populace.


Numerous lakes and water bodies, notably in Kalyanpur, Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, and Baridhara, have become breeding grounds for mosquitoes due to irregular cleaning practices. Foul odors emanate from these water bodies during the dry season, and despite insecticide spraying, locals report ineffective results.

City dwellers and experts attribute the proliferation of mosquitoes to mismanagement and the failure of the two city corporations to address the issue effectively.In Bangladesh, unusually high rainfall, combined with hotter temperatures and high humidity, has resulted in an increased mosquito population throughout the country. “Climate change is the critical link to the increase in numbers that we’re seeing,”

Chief Health Officer of DSCC (additional charge) Dr Fazle Shamsul Kabir told The New Nation that the funding for FY 23-24 is more than sufficient in order to combat mosquito-borne infections.

Dr Kabir expressed confidence that the plan to acquire new fogging spray for larvicide operations will be effective. “Human suffering will be less this year in comparison with 2023′ Dr Kabir added.

Former member of National Dengue Committee Dr. Manjur Ahmed Chowdhury claimed that allocated money has been squandered and that mosquitoes have been fed in its place. Entomologist Dr. Manjur Ahmed Chowdhury remarked, “May I inquire how much money was used to purchase the duck?” How much money has the bank got? How much money we have wasted to purchase grasshoppers in order to prevent mosquitoes? All are completely useless and the authority do not follow others suggestions.

Abdur Rahman, a resident of Bongshal (DSCC zone) told The New Nation that ‘city corporations tend to allocate huge amount for preventing mosquitos and they are purchasing various things that hard name so tough to remember. But why we cannot sleep properly at night for mosquitos’ problem?

The Dhaka North City corporation (DNCC)has planned to stage a renewed assault on the mosquito menace, earmarking Tk121.84 crore or about 2.32% of its total budget on mosquito control in the new financial year 2023-24.