AL-BCL activists attack upazila health complex over 4 BCL activists’ death in Sylhet


Local Awami League and its student body Bangladesh Chhatra League’s (BCL) activists vandalised Jaintapur Upazila Health Complex over the death of four BCL activists in an accident in the early hours of Saturday.

Two ambulances, hospital furniture, and various emergency department equipment were vandalised, said Dr. Md Salahuddin, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer.

They also beat up the doctors on duty and torched a car parked in the garage of the hospital, he said. He also mentioned that preparations were underway to file a case in this regard.

He said on Saturday that after the accident on Friday night, they first came to the emergency department of the hospital with the bodies of two people.


“The duty doctor of the emergency department declared both of them dead. A few minutes later, they came with two other bodies. Both of them were already dead. So there was really nothing we could do,” he said.

Dr. Salahuddin mentioned that they showed ECG reports in front of the BCL leaders and activists that they died before being brought to the hospital.

“But they were not willing to accept it. They beat up our doctor, vandalised the emergency department and the hospital. They even attacked our residential complex,” he said.
