Sujayendra Das :
Human lifecycle passes off through different phases in life. Among all the phases we find that old age is the toughest among all. We cannot avoid this phase of our lives rather we must accept this. As per the views of practicing counseling psychologists based in different parts of India we must be cordial and warmth with our close relatives, friends and fellow human beings. This is impacted by our parents, close relatives and friend circles that throughout our lives that we must treat everybody as our near and dear ones then only we achieve resounding success in our lives.
As our thoughts have been focused purely upon Indian city of Kolkata so, my humble endeavor to focus upon this burning issue purely upon ‘City of Joy’– Kolkata. In Kolkata we evince in most of the families that parents in Suburban and rural Bengal tend to lead lonely and solitary life because most of their children carry on their livelihood in overseas destinations in search of financial affluence. On account of the wards being domiciled in overseas destinations parent’s life become deeply melancholic and sorrowful. Though children from overseas send moneys to their parents staying at Kolkata but that might be solace for some moments but for the rest of the moment they lead solitary and drudgery life.
That is why in the Indian city of Kolkata, we find that there are a lot of old age homes being set up both by the state government as well as that of by diverse NGO’s. The management of all the old age homes varies from one to another. From the veterans’ side we find that some have taken up the present life in its proper perspective whereas most of them express utter agony and sorrow which in the ultimate run up to the game turns into horrifying scenarios. Children of the aged parents most of them are of careerist bent of mind that means they always lunge forward towards development of career not in Kolkata but in other parts of India as well as in various overseas destinations of the globe.
That is why on account of this reason aged persons of Kolkata are put up in various old age homes by their children. This might create scar on the mind and heart of children which might be shocking to some sections of societies but there are also exceptional circumstances where children tend to remain with the parents in the same premises till the last breath. This temperament is no doubt heartening from the children’s side which Indian societies should applaud forever. Thus in the subsequent paragraphs it is my task to analyze deeply about how to develop the conditions of the aged in Kolkata as well as in other parts of India.
How to develop the conditions of the aged in Kolkata, India as well as in other parts?
In India aged persons always carry high reverence and encomiums in Kolkata as well as in other parts of the country. As I have focused this piece purely upon Indian city of Kolkata that is why my mind reiterates that it sounds highly ethical to throw deep light about this piece only upon Kolkata. At the present juncture as per the available records I do have there are approximately 10 to 20 old age homes in Kolkata. Among all the notable ones are as such, Nabanir, Mary Cooper Home, Ananda Ashram, All Bengal Women’s Union etc in different parts of the city.
In each of the old age home there are diverse facilities available which caters to the need of various types of aged persons. Also striking features known to us is that there are some well reputed corporate bodies from other parts of India who invest huge amounts of money for the betterment of aged homes. Also retired executives of Kolkata Port Trust and Haldia Port Trust along with their spouses are graciously involved in the task of looking after the needs of old age persons through various old age homes. Anyhow there are some common ways and means known to us by which we are able to develop the conditions of aged persons of which some of the common ones are stated as follow:
Role of present generation parents stands as paramount importance in regard to the welfare of old persons.
Roles of governmental as well as non-governmental organisations are equally important in regard to bestow proper thoughts as well as welfare of aged persons of Kolkata and other parts of India.
Family persons should be of sympathetic and amiable demeanor.
Medical professionals should be more sympathetic about aged persons of Kolkata.
Corporate body’s role is vital in this regard.
Government of India has come out with an ambitious plan to chart out development work about aged persons of India. Same feeling has become impacted deeply upon people of Kolkata. In our various religious beliefs we find that the way we treat our parents in our hay days the same get replicated upon our children. The same scenarios we also evince all over Bangladesh. This is because apart from political bifurcation other aspects of both nations are identical. In that country old age care is also given profound importance which cannot be denied by the civil societies of both nations. In Dhaka the numbers of old age homes are slated to be around 5 to 6. Like the same pattern in India Bangladesh government with the help of various corporate bodies are aiming to come up with more numbers of old age homes and also seminars to motivate the modern generations to look after their parents sympathetically as well as to the aged persons personally in both nations. Notable persons who are and were involved in this noble are as such, Late Subhadra Kumar Sen, Dr Sukanta Kumar Sen, Professor Abu Mohammad Delwar Hossain, Saadi Mohammad Takiullah, Professor M.B.Bhuiyan, Professor Ashok Kumar Sen Gupta etc various other notable figures of diverse academic disciplines. The purpose behind highlighting the above stated person’s name is that modern generations can inherit some of these noble qualities from them. It is our sincerest belief that honest and upright examples should be thrown in front of the present ones.
(Sujayendra Das, writes from Kolkata, India)