What makes Dhaka such an unliveable city?


Imagine a downpour bringing the capital to a halt for hours, overflowing streets turning into temporary canals.

Traffic congestion is a daily ordeal, and the public transport system, well, let’s just say it adds to the chaos.

If that’s not enough, the healthcare system is overburdened and expensive, with the constant threat of dengue fever looming.

Add to that poorly built infrastructure, often constructed hastily and skirting safety regulations, and you have a recipe for unease.

A recent study by the Economist Group confirmed Dhaka’s harsh reality: it’s one of the world’s least liveable cities.

Ranking a lowly 168th, Dhaka just barely edges out Karachi, Pakistan, with even war-torn Kyiv, Ukraine, boasting a higher ranking.

Urban planning experts point the finger at a lack of improvement across key sectors.


The much-needed upgrade to public transportation, while a welcome step with the new metro rail, is simply not enough for a city of Dhaka’s size.

Environmental pollution has been a massive issue in Bangladesh for several years, and with the amount of time that is spent on the road every day, the people of this city are constantly subjected to noise and air pollution.

Pollution remains rampant, green spaces are vanishing under a wave of new development, and playgrounds for children are a luxury.

The way forward? Experts propose setting clear goals and implementing a systematic development plan. Spreading out industries, reducing the strain on Dhaka, is another crucial step.

Dhaka is a city that pulsates with life, but it’s a life that demands resilience. Whether Dhaka can transform itself into a more livable space remains to be seen. One thing’s for sure: for the faint of heart, Dhaka is a challenge.

Dhaka is brimming with potential. Experts agree that a clear, systematic development plan is key.

Upgrading public transportation beyond the new metro rail, tackling pollution, preserving green spaces, and creating playgrounds are crucial steps.
