Wage disparity plagues women in litchi gardens


Ishwardi (Pabna) correspondent :

About 30,000 women of Ishwardi countryside are actively involved in various activities in the litchi garden. After the litchi ripens, the sorting and counting work is done by the women workers. Some of them are housewives, day laborers, school-college students. These women working in different gardens from 7 am to 4 pm every day are known as ‘Lichukanyas (Lichi Girls) in Ishwardi.
These lichuknyas are not appreciated despite their hard work in the heat. These women are deprived of getting fair wages. However, they work for 300-500 taka less wages than men without wasting time. There is no negligence in the work. They do not waste time drinking tea or smoking cigarettes. For a long time, lychuknyas have been subjected to wage discrimination, but there is no remedy.
Ishwardi, known as the capital of Bombay litchi, is discussed every year during this month. The juicy litchi here is appreciated all over the country. Fruit lovers are interested in Ishwardi’s juicy litchi. Litchi has been cultivated in 3,100 hectares of land in Ishwardi this year. This time the litchi tree had more buds and pods than desired. As the temperature rises to 38-43.2 degrees, litchi bursts and fades due to intense heat. Rusty spots on litchi. Apart from the fires, 30-40 percent of litchis have already been destroyed due to the recent cyclone.
A tour of the garden on the surface shows that, despite the destruction, many trees have matured Bombay litchis and acquired a reddish color. Women workers are working in every garden. Direct women workers with litchi production, handling and marketing. Litchi girls involved in litchi production remain largely hidden. Along with the litchi daughters, the family members including the daughters-in-law of gardeners and farmers also participated in the sorting and counting of litchi. Raihan Kabir of Maniknagar village litchi garden said that about 30 thousand women are actively involved in various activities in litchi garden. Some are housewives, day laborers, school-college students. These women work every day from 7 am to 4 pm work in different gardens. 400 taka is being paid this time. Women pick litchi and tie 50 knots. Men work to pluck litchis from the trees and pack them into baskets. Male workers do not come to work below Tk. 700-1,000.
Revati Rani of Madhgram said, I work all day during the litchi season in the hope of additional income for the family. With the income, some buy goats, some household furniture and pots and pans. Some also spend on children’s education. I am working in litchi garden to earn extra money in the family. Silimpur Reba Khatun said, I work in the garden in the hope of extra income in addition to household chores. At the end of the day, I received 400 taka whereas men get Tk. 700-1,000. We women are victims of discrimination.
Ayesha Sultana, a college student of Mirkamari, said that during litchi season, if hundreds of school-college students like me eat one meal, it is 350 taka. Private and educational expenses are covered by the money I get as wages. I have been working in the garden since I was in school.
Mahela Begum said that women’s wages are low in the current market, but garden owners do not want to pay more even if they demand an increase in wages. Compared to last year, this time only 50-100 taka increased. But the price of goods in the market has increased a lot. Moreover, litchi is being sold at almost twice the price this year than other years.
Abdul Jalil Kitab, a litchi farmer who received the National Agriculture Medal, said that women play a leading role in sorting and counting litchi in Ishwardi. The crisis of male workers is evident here. If there were no women workers, the task of sorting and counting litchi would have been difficult. This time some women are given food in the morning and afternoon along with a wage of 400 taka. Last year wages were 300 to 350 taka.
