Universities are not for learning but for serving govt’s political interest


It’s very shocking for us hearing that a Dhaka University student was physically and mentally tortured after he failed to attend a programme of ruling party’s student organisation due to his illness. The victim was forced to “stare into a light bulb in the room” as punishment. After 15 minutes, the victim fell to the ground. He later took treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
The victim in his written complaint — sent to Provost on Thursday — said that he was tortured by Bangladesh Chhatra League members for not being able to follow their instruction to go to the guestroom at 10 pm on Wednesday due to his illness. It’s unbelievable in any civilised country where an already sick student could be tortured in that way by his fellow students only for not joining their political activities.
We find the same useless administration at the DU — like the SUST — who remains busy just to appease the government party men, even if they carry out illegal activities. According to the media report, the victim is a resident of Meghna block at Bijoy Ekattor Hall and a first-year student of Mass Communication and Journalism Department.
Provost of the hall Prof Abdul Basir said a three-member panel has started investigation into the incident. We are damn sure like previous probe bodies, this committee will also follow the traditional path and will not to touch the accused.  
Another newspaper reported that BCL men have taken full control of seat distribution in most of the public universities in country, leaving the authorities and general students hapless. Teachers and students of the country’s five public universities revealed a grim picture, saying that BCL members often demand political allegiance and sometimes even bribe for seats in dormitories, the report added.
There is no need to elaborate the news items as we all know what is going on in the universities in the name of education. In every case, the general students are held hostages by a small powerful group, which remains busy in tender businesses and other profitable works rather than attending in classes and library works. Most of the halls have torture rooms.
The teachers have no guts to control the students as the majority of them have got appointment under political considerations. Like student fronts, the teachers are divided in line with their political affiliations. The rest of the administrative and general employees are also doing the same. If we tell the truth, there is no ideal atmosphere for learning in the universities.
We don’t want to put wholesale blame on the shoulder of ruling party’s student front. When the teachers and Vice-Chancellors remain busy in irregularities and corruption getting shelter under the umbrella of ruling party than the students will obviously follow them.
Most of the VCs have allegedly developed personal interest in big-budgeted development works and other monetary affairs in their universities. No one could get the post of VC if he is not a die-hard follower of ruling party. So, the students fronts take the advantages.
The latest students’ agitation in the SUST has exposed a very important chapter, that is — the VCs have their own platform to protect their interest. It becomes crystal clear that universities are not for education anymore. These are for serving political interest of the government party men. The general students are the victims of circumstances.
