Uncontrolled food prices must be stopped


It is worrying how the rising prices of essential food items have continued to afflict the low- and middle- income people every week.

According to a newspaper report on Wednesday, though the interim government has taken the responsibility about two and half months ago, no effective steps are being taken in this regard.

In the meantime prices of almost all kitchen items have increased manifolds. Unable to cope with the high prices, many low-income people are limiting their protein intake to cope with the situation.

It is not only the low-income people who are struggling with the spiralling food prices, people involved in small businesses are also compromising with the quality of food they are eating.

They are bound to suffer from malnutrition and other health issues as a result.

According to the report, prices of four food items – rice, edible oil, sugar and onion — have increased in a week. However, egg prices have dropped a little bit during the week but it is yet to reach the previous level.

Meanwhile, the concern adviser of the interim government has expressed dissatisfaction over the higher prices of daily essentials, expressing concern about the syndicate in egg business as a group of companies are manipulating its local prices.


Although the government has been saying that they are taking measures to control the food prices, there is no sign of the prices going down. It is also incomprehensible why the traders would not sell eggs at the government-fixed rates.

This means that the government has no control over the retail market. It is also not clear as to why the government is still unable to break the syndicates responsible for the unexplained increase in food prices.

While the government must act promptly to keep our local market stable, it also must take immediate measures to address the plight of the people.

To expand the government’s social safety net programmes, TCB should enhance sales of essential food items at subsidised prices considering the needs of the people.

We observe with concern that many reform programmes of the interim government may face obstructions. Hence, it has to take strong steps to overcome these obstacles.

To ensure food security, the government should implement relevant laws, enhance regular market drives, help improve agricultural products, and raise consumers’ awareness. By implementing these measures, we can achieve our food security.
