Unchecked power can create Frankenstein: TIB


Staff Reporter :
Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has expressed deep concerns over the alleged illegal wealth accumulation and property amassment by the former Inspector General of Police (IGP) and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) chief.

The anti-corruption watchdog highlighted the misuse of state-granted authority, warning that such unchecked power can create figures reminiscent of Frankenstein, like the former IGP Benazir, thereby undermining the state’s accountability mechanisms.

In a strongly worded statement, TIB called for decisive legal action against those aiding and abetting these abuses of power. The organisation also demanded fair compensation for individuals who were coerced into selling their land by the former police chief.

TIB noted that information about the former police chief’s wealth and property accumulation is surfacing regularly.

Reports indicate that most of this wealth was acquired through fear tactics, with the former police chief allegedly taking real owners hostage to force them into selling their land.

Many victims were from minority communities, and personnel from the former IGP’s agency and other state-run agencies were reportedly employed to carry out these acts.

Terming the abuse of power by a high-ranking law enforcement officer as outrageous, TIB Executive Director Dr. Iftekharuzzaman said, “Allegations that the properties were forcibly acquired through intimidation using the former IGP’s name and his family are truly horrifying.”

Dr. Iftekharuzzaman added, “The chances of victims receiving justice have been systematically obstructed. Under such circumstances, there is no alternative to ensuring exemplary punishment for the main accused and their abettors and to compensating those who were forced to sell their properties out of fear.”

The allegations against the former IGP are currently under investigation, with new information about his wealth emerging regularly, TIB confirmed.


Iftekharuzzaman has raised significant concerns regarding the escape of former police chief Benazir Ahmed and his family amid serious allegations of corruption.

Reports suggest that Benazir Ahmed, accused of extensive corruption, managed to flee the country after withdrawing a substantial sum of money from banks. “Given these circumstances, it is truly surprising that someone as controversial as him could leave without anyone noticing,” Iftekharuzzaman remarked.

The TIB Executive Director further stated, “It raises doubts about whether his departure involved collusion, if any bank official assisted in withdrawing and laundering the funds abroad, or if the investigations against him are superficial.”

He underscored the necessity of holding accountable not only Ahmed but also those who aided and abetted his actions. “It is evident that a certain faction within the power structure has protected him before and continues to do so. Justice cannot be served solely by prosecuting the former police chief; those aiding and abetting him must also face legal consequences.”

Iftekharuzzaman criticised the government’s apparent oversight, stating, “It is unacceptable that the former police chief went unnoticed by the government, especially when he set a shocking precedent by openly engaging in corruption and amassing substantial wealth.”

The TIB noted that the situation suggests government complicity in shielding and possibly encouraging Ahmed’s actions, thereby contributing to a culture of impunity within the bureaucracy.

“It is logical to presume that the government not only shielded and supported him but also, in some instances, actively encouraged his actions, contributing to the emergence of Frankenstein within the political sphere of bureaucracy,” the TIB added.

In response to the controversy, Obaidul Quader, the Road Transport and Bridges Minister and the ruling party’s general secretary, acknowledged that the government possesses information on all corrupt individuals. However, such acknowledgments are rare, and the government must now address how a high-ranking police official could establish such a flagrant culture of corruption.

“Releasing the names of corrupt individuals and ensuring accountability for all involved is imperative to demonstrate the government’s commitment to zero tolerance against corruption. Failure to do so will only reinforce the perception among citizens of such commitments as mere theatrics,” the TIB concluded.
