Training on product diversity in light engineering at BUET

Campus Report :
The certificate awarding and closing ceremony of a three-day long training workshop on “Re-engineering and Machinery of Technology for Product Diversification and Enhancement of Export Potency in Light Engineering Sector’ was concluded recently at the Institute of Appropriate Technology (IAT), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). This workshop was organized by the Institute of Appropriate Technology (IAT), BUET. Participants were owners, managers, entrepreneurs, technologists and engineers (30 Nos.) of various engineering industries and enterprises from all over the country. Teachers of IAT, other departments of BUET and some other universities, and experts from private and public organizations of the country rendered training as the resource persons in the workshop.
The closing session of the training workshop was chaired by Prof Dr M Kamal Uddin, Director, Institute of Appropriate Technology (IAT), BUET. Prof Dr Saiful Islam, Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology was the chief guest in the occasion.
Vote of thanks was rendered by Assistant Professor Dr Iftekhar Uddin Bhuiyan, IAT, BUET.