‘Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha’ organizes a seminar on ‘Disparity on female labourers and responsibility’ in the VIP Lounge of the National Press Club in the city today at 9:30 am.
Coast, an organization holds a discussion and film show on ‘Devastating cyclone of April 29, 1991’ at the National Press Club auditorium today at 10 am.
Bangladesh Bank organizes a seminar on ‘Management of External Sector Openness-South Asian Country Experiences’ at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel in the city today at 9 am.
‘Dakshin Bangla Unnayan Parishad’ organizes a discussion on ‘No alternative to Sheikh Hasina for implementation of Padma Bridge’ in the Seminar Hall of the Central Public Library in the city’s Shahbagh today at 10 am.
Human chain
Ganoforum will form a human chain in front of the National Press Club today at 4 pm in protest against corruption.