Three former Pak army officers held


Aljazeera :

Pakistan’s military has said it arrested three retired officers in connection with the investigation into former spy chief Faiz Hameed, who faces a court-martial on charges of corruption and misuse of power.
The arrests were tied to the proceedings against Hameed, who led the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency, for “actions prejudicial to military discipline”, the military said on Thursday.
It said in a statement that it continued to investigate some retired officers and their accomplices for “fomenting instability at the behest of, and in collusion with, vested political interests”.
Political parties and critics often accuse the ISI of interfering in politics and the government.
Hameed was arrested on Monday and accused of alleged misconduct in a case related to a private housing scheme. The military said it had completed an inquiry ordered by the Supreme Court into a complaint by a real estate developer.