Thousands suffer from Faridpur sugar mill waste


Madukhali (Faridpur) Correspondent :

The Chandana and Barashia rivers of Madhukhali upazila are continuously being polluted by the toxic waste of the Faridpur Sugar Mill, the only heavy industrial enterprise in the south-western region of the country located in Madhukhali, Faridpur. Due to the increase in the level of pollution in sugar mill waste and the spread of this toxic waste in various nearby canals and water bodies, the researchers fear that the biodiversity of the concerned area is being adversely affected.
Bangladesh Sugar and Food Corporation (BSFIC) has implemented the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) construction project to treat the liquid effluents of Faridpur Sugar Mill. But sugarcane crushing is going on in the sugar mill in the current season, but the refinery is operational but its efficiency is not visible. As a result, the refinery built at the cost of crores of taka is not of any use to protect the environment, the protection of the environment is not ensured.
On the surface, it can be seen that various water bodies inside the sugar mill have changed color and are emitting poisonous smell. Because the amount of dissolved oxygen in water has decreased significantly. As a result, snails, slugs, and aquatic organisms lose their overall habitat. The worst situation is in and around Sweeper Colony; the entire sweeper colony floats on the toxic effluent of the sugar mill. Along with the stench, the infestation of mosquitoes is increasing.
Local Kulsoom Begum (60) and Alek Pramanik (58) said that the stench was intolerable for living. They are fed up with mosquitoes born in the waste water.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mamnoon Ahmed Aneek said that fifteen days ago I reported the issue to the higher authority. There I have also told in details about the ash emitted from sugar mills which is more dangerous than polluted water.
Managing Director of Faridpur Sugar Mill Saifullah said that since the ETP is effective, the polluted waste will not have any impact on the environment.
According to Bangladesh Environmental Protection Act, Fisheries Act and National Water Policy, pollution of wetlands including rivers is a punishable offense. But no one cares about this law. The local residents requested the attention of the appropriate authorities.