The PM will have to choose what she wants to be


NOT a speculation, but a hidden message of our PM’s recent visit to London clearly reveals an attempt to restore the tarnished image of her government which came to power through a voterless one-sided election unheard of anywhere. It was an election nowhere tried before. There are many governments showing ninety percent vote in their favour. The voterless but claimed to be elected government is a unique creation of our bureaucratic election engineers to save a government afraid to face obvious defeat in a free election.The trip was worth noting as it was her first visit to any western country after installing herself as the PM less than 7 months ago. Reportedly, she was supposed to discuss a number of bilateral issues besides attending the Girl Summit. If we leave aside these two, then it would be fascinating to note how she prepared herself for the questions concerning politics, governance, and also the credibility of the last JS elections held in Bangladesh.It’s hard to fathom that a summit jointly hosted by the UK government and UNICEF could draw such intense attention of our PM at a time when there were important national issues including the democratic legitimacy of the government needed to be dealt with. Whatever the trip’s unknown reason may be, the buzz flying around about the trip to UK is delivering a different message; and that is, if it is formal or informal recognition that our PM is trying to obtain to buttress her reign. If so, then we are likely to see a spree of foreign visits, including to the key countries of the EU and the US. The buzz has a senseless rationale as the government, which came to power through the post-January 5 election, lacks credibility within the country itself is trying to gain acceptance elsewhere but proving what?We don’t know what was discussed between the two leaders – British PM David Cameron and Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina beyond the matters involving the Girl Summit but would be happy to see if this recent UK visit somehow inspires our PM to prove her popular acceptance in her own country by facing the people in a free and inclusive election. It was an embarrassment when the British government source had contradicted the claim of our government that the election of January 5 was accepted as genuine.The thing is that her hired bureaucratic Advisers do not care about the Prime Minister’s honour abroad. They know that they will lose their self-claimed superiority if she cannot remain in power. Her bureaucratic Advisers will make her an autocrat and not a democrat. So she has to choose what she wants to be. To survive isolated from the people is not an easy game when others play it.
