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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Founder : Barrister Mainul Hosein

Tarique calls BNP men to earn public trust


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Staff Reporter :

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman has called on party leaders and activists to win and sustain the trust and love of the public through dedication and sincerity, warning that certain actions by a few misguided members are tarnishing the party’s image.

“Five fingers are not the same, just as all individuals differ. In the past three to four months, after the fall and escape of the autocrats, some leaders and workers have become confused.

This confusion has led to behaviors that are not appreciated by the general public in some cases,” Tarique said during a virtual address to a workshop in Dhaka on Sunday.

The workshop, titled *”31-Point State Structure Reform Proposal and Public Engagement,”* was organized by the BNP Training Affairs Committee on the Barua Alauddin High School ground in Khilkhet, Dhaka.

Tarique emphasized that the primary objective of BNP leaders and workers should be to earn and maintain the public’s trust and confidence.

“If your focus is on anything other than this, believe me, you will lose the party’s support and the people’s trust in no time,” he cautioned.

He urged every party member to work towards gaining the respect, love, and faith of the people, emphasizing that maintaining this trust requires sincerity and dedication.

“It is your duty to ensure that trust and respect are upheld through your actions and words,” he added.

Tarique also warned that political activists who prioritize personal gains over serving the public will fail to earn the respect and support of the people.

Reflecting on the hardships faced by BNP leaders and activists over the past 16-17 years, including repression, harassment, and imprisonment, Tarique noted that these sacrifices were made to fight for the people’s rights, not for the personal benefit of a few individuals.

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