Swapnadal’s mimo-drama ‘Jadur Pradip’ staged

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Theatre troupe Swapnadal staged its much-acclaimed production Jadur Pradip (The Magic Lamp) on stage recently
at the Studio Theatre Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy in
the city’s Segun Bagicha area.
The troupe also staged a special show of Jadur Pradip at the month-long Sonargaon Folk Festival-2017 organised
by Bangladesh Loko O Karushilpa Foundation (Bangladesh Folk Art
& Crafts Foundation) in Sonargaon
in Narayanganj.
A ‘mimodrama,’ as the troupe calls it, Jadur Pradip is based on the overly
familiar fairy tale Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. The play has been adapted and directed by Zahid Repon. The
central message of the production
is the triumph of good over evil.
The story of the Jadue Prodip is like this: A Magician comes to know by using his evil power that there is a magic lamp far away in a mountain and capturing that lamp will enable the conquer of
the whole world. But only one person named Aladin, the son of a poor and helpless mother will be able to bring out that magic lamp from the mountain.
The Magician makes friendship with Aladin in disguise and starts for
conquering the lamp with him.
The magician had the intention to
captivate Aladin in the mountain cave after conquering the lamp. But being suspicious, Aladin disagrees to handover the lamp before coming out of the cave. Even after a lot of alluring and threatening Aladin remains rigid and hence the magician angrily closes down the
cave entrance keeping Aladin with the lamp inside and caves.
But the story is not concluded here, more greed for power, hypocrisy, intrigue, fight for self-interest, vengeance, etc. and in parallel portrays positivity, love and good thoughts and over everything the imperishable truth
is established in the play.
Swapnadal wants to provide the
audience an opportunity to enjoy
pantomime – a performing art form that is yet to catch on in our country
and also explore the potential of
mimodrama here.
Through metaphors, the play addresses both negative and positive human characteristics and finally establishes the supremacy of love and righteousness.
The cast included Sajida Islam Parul, Asif Istiar, Hasan Rezaul, Monir Hossain, Al Amin, Shonali Rahman
Julie, Zahid Ripon and others.