Sumon Kumar’s Rupomoy Bangla at Alliance Francaise

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Nature remains engrossed in her constant and diverse playfulness with colours and forms, melody and rhythm, and light and shades. Getting amused by that playfulness, some compose poems, some sing songs and some portray paintings. As such, nature reigns supreme both in the beginning and at the end of any forms of art. Some bring forth artworks inspired by the beauty that lies in nature while some other deconstruct and construct nature following one’s own flow of feelings.
Suman Kumar Sarkar is content with the simple beauty of nature and portrays paintings that keep that spirit up. He has developed a sense of colour and composition. He grew up on the reddened land of Varendra – on the alluvial soil of Bangla. So, he somewhat appeases his creative thirst through depicting the conventional sights and beauty of Bangla in watercolour.
He embraces the beauty of the countryside as he feels confined to the cages of the concrete jungle. His colour palette thus soulfully sings songs of an agro-based Bangla.
The 4th solo painting exhibition titled Rupomoy Bangla (Graceful Bangla) by artist Suman Kumar Sarkar is being held at La Galerie of the Alliance Française de Dhaka (AFD) in the capital’s Dhanmondi area now. Prof Abdul Mannan, Chairman of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh attended the opening ceremony as the chief guest while Prof Dr Sushanta Kumar Adhikari, Chairman of Department of Printing, Oriental Art and Printmaking, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Rajshahi also attended the event as the special guest. There are 32 artworks in display for the exhibition. The medium he used is watercolour.
The exhibition will continue till May 4. It is open for all from Monday to Thursday from 3:00pm to 9:00pm, Friday and Saturday (9:00am to12:00 noon and 5:00pm to 8:00pm), while Sunday is closed. n