Students stage rallies countrywide


DU, JnU Correspondents :
Dhaka University (DU) students took position at Shahbagh intersection as part of a countrywide agitation to reform the quota system in all government jobs, arguing that the current system is a significant barrier to merit-based advancement.

The protesters also condemned the police attack on Cumilla University students and demanded accountability for those responsible.

Earlier, the students gathered in front of the university’s central library and marched to Shahbagh.

They demonstrated for nearly an hour before withdrawing and announcing further plans. Students from Dhaka College also joined them.

As per the announcement, the movement’s organizers will hold meetings on university campuses today to discuss further steps and have scheduled a press conference at 6:00 PM near the Dhaka University central library.

Abu Baker Majumdar, one of the coordinators, said, “Tomorrow we will talk with our coordinators from all the campuses of the country through online and offline channels to decide our next move.

We will disclose it tomorrow (Saturday) at 6 PM in front of the DU Central Library.

“Yesterday, the police charged and threw tear gas at our brothers and sisters at various places including Cumilla and Chittagong during our movement.

The Rajshahi University’s ruling student union president even slapped our coordinator. We strongly condemn and protest these attacks,” added Abu Bakr Majumdar.

Meanwhile, Cumilla University students also staged a rally on campus, demanding the resignation of the university proctor within 48 hours due to the administration’s silence during Thursday’s police attack, which injured several students.

The protesters took out a procession and went to the Vice Chancellor’s residence before holding a sit-in at the site where the police had attacked the students.

Rajshahi University students blocked the Dhaka-Rajshahi highway in solidarity with the central protest, demanding justice for Thursday’s reported attacks on protesters.


They also staged a protest rally on campus. Additionally, students from various universities, including Khulna University and Chittagong University, held demonstrations on their respective campuses with the same demand.

Meanwhile, students from Jagannath University (JnU) staged a protest rally condemning the recent police brutality against students nationwide during the ‘Bangla Blockade’.

Their protest aimed to call for the abolition of all unjustifiable quotas in government jobs.

The demonstration began at 4:30 PM in front of the university’s Arts Building.

The students marched from the campus, circled Victoria Park, and then assembled at the main gate of the campus for a sit-in that lasted approximately 30 minutes.

The protest caused significant traffic disruptions in the Sadarghat area.

Throughout the rally, students chanted slogans such as, “Quota or Merit, Merit Merit,” “Why the Brutality at CoU? We Want Answers!” and “Spread the News Across Bengal, Bury the Quota System!”

Zakaria Islam, a Mathematics student, stated, “We will continue our movement on the streets until our demands are met.

We will not leave until the government abolishes all forms of unjustifiable quotas and enacts a law in Parliament to ensure that quotas are only used for the underprivileged communities as specified in the Constitution.”

Masud Rana, a Physics student, added, “We are protesting for a legitimate cause, the abolition of all unjustifiable quotas in government jobs.

However, we have witnessed violence against our peers at various universities during our peaceful protest. We demand that those responsible for these attacks be quickly identified and brought to justice.”

Earlier, on July 7, the students made a single-point demand: all forms of unjust and discriminatory quotas at all grades should be abolished, and the quota system should be amended by passing a law in Parliament to ensure quotas are reserved only for disadvantaged groups as specified in the Constitution.
