Student movement martyr Munna will ever live in masses’ heart


City Desk :

Tanzeer Khan Munna (21) a second-year BA (Pass) student of Savar Government College, went to celebrate victory of fall of Awami League government in the afternoon of August 5.

But he backed home dead as he was shot by members of law enforcement agencies. Twenty-one-year old Rover Scout Munna died of excessive bleeding as he could not get proper treatment timely, reports BSS.

“Getting news of the fall of autocrat Sheikh Hasina, I, along with my brother and others, went out of home shortly after 2pm to join the victory procession. Munna separately left the home with a national flag to join the procession,” Munna’s elder brother Rajib Khan told BSS.

He said Munna and his friends were in a procession at Savar Thana Road. As they started to move forward with procession police started indiscriminate firing.

Munna, who was in the forefront, received bullet injuries in his both legs and collapsed on the spot.
Rajib said due to indiscriminate firing at that time, people could not rescue and take Munna to hospital. The locals rescued Munna from the road after a long time and took to Savar Upazila Health Complex.


As Munna’s condition deteriorated, he was shifted to Enam Medical College Hospital.
Hearing the news of Munna’s injury from an unknown mobile number, Rajib rushed to the hospital. But it took a long time to reach the hospital due to the road blockade.

Rajib entered into the hospital from backside gate where he saw a number of bodies lying on the ground. Rajib was searching whether his brother was there.

Being failed to trace his brother Rajib moved to emergency ward and found his brother with critical bullet injuries.

Duty doctors informed him that Munna had a lot of bleeding needed at least three bags of blood urgently.
Rajib said due to shortage of physicians against the crowd of patients in the hospitals, Munna was just counting time for death. When doctor’s shifted him to ICU, his body became anemic due to excessive bleeding.

Rajib said they could manage one bag of blood, but it was too late and his brother breathed his last at 8 p.m. before pushing it in the body.

Rajib and Munna- two brothers of a broken family were living with their mother at Anandapur City Lane area in Savar Municipality. Munna is 10 years younger than Rajib.