Strengthening fiscal accountability: A call for transparent Budget Practices


In response to mounting concerns over fiscal mismanagement, the finance ministry has issued a directive to ministries and divisions, urging them to refrain from seeking block allocations in the upcoming budget.

This strategic move, aimed at safeguarding taxpayer funds, comes at a critical juncture when lower tax collections are putting significant constraints on government spending.

The imperative for greater accountability and transparency in budgetary allocations cannot be overstated.

Block allocations, originally intended for emergencies, have all too often become a breeding ground for misuse due to their inherently ambiguous nature.

Ministries, at times, have wielded these funds arbitrarily, raising valid concerns regarding fiscal accountability.

Compounding these challenges is Bangladesh’s persistently low revenue-to-GDP ratio, which poses substantial hurdles in meeting the nation’s ever-growing expenditure demands.

Therefore, the commendable effort to streamline budgetary processes assumes heightened importance amidst these economic headwinds.

Adherence to prudent fiscal principles is paramount as the finance division meticulously crafts the upcoming budget.

Prioritizing targeted allocations aligned with strategic objectives is not merely desirable but essential in ensuring the optimal utilization of resources while minimizing the risks associated with wasteful expenditure.

Moreover, it is imperative that budget proposals align closely with the national priorities outlined in the ruling party’s manifesto and key development plans.


Emphasizing initiatives aimed at poverty reduction, gender equality, and sustainable development is not just a moral imperative but a strategic necessity for Bangladesh’s long-term prosperity.

The involvement of international partners such as the IMF in providing technical assistance underscores the global significance of Bangladesh’s fiscal policies.

Leveraging their expertise enhances the effectiveness and credibility of budgetary frameworks, thereby promoting fiscal sustainability.

However, the onus does not solely lie on international collaboration. Domestic stakeholders must also play their part by upholding fiscal prudence and accountability.

Ministries must ensure transparent fund utilization aligned with approved projects, thus fostering greater public trust in the budgetary process.

Advocacy for greater fiscal transparency and accountability is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders.

Transparent budgetary practices not only bolster public confidence but also drive sustainable development outcomes, paving the way for inclusive growth and prosperity.

A collective commitment to fiscal responsibility is indispensable for Bangladesh’s journey towards a brighter future.

Let us champion transparency and fiscal discipline, ensuring that every taka spent contributes meaningfully to our nation’s well-being.
