Sonali Bank’s DMD Mir Mofazzal Hossain and Farazy Hospital’s chairman Dr Anwar Farazy Emon exchange document after signing an agreement at the bank’s head office in the capital on Tuesday. Under the deal, all the executive officers of the bank will get priority and discount on all kind of medical services of the hospital. Sonali Bank’s CEO Md Afzal Karim and other senior officials from both sides were present.

Sonali Bank's DMD Mir Mofazzal Hossain and Farazy Hospital's chairman Dr Anwar Farazy Emon exchange document after signing an agreement at the bank's head office in the capital on Tuesday. Under the deal, all the executive officers of the bank will get priority and discount on all kind of medical services of the hospital. Sonali Bank's CEO Md Afzal Karim and other senior officials from both sides were present.