Sonali Bank’s chairman Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury presides over its 30th meeting of Senior Management Team held at the bank’s head office in the capital on Sunday. Bank’s acting CEO & Managing Director and SMT chairman Sanchia Binte Ali, DMDs Mir Mofazzul Hossain, Subhash Chandra Das, Kazi Md. Wahidul Islam, Shamim Uddin Ahmed, Md. Abu Sayed and other senior officials were present.

Sonali Bank's chairman Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury presides over its 30th meeting of Senior Management Team held at the bank's head office in the capital on Sunday. Bank's acting CEO & Managing Director and SMT chairman Sanchia Binte Ali, DMDs Mir Mofazzul Hossain, Subhash Chandra Das, Kazi Md. Wahidul Islam, Shamim Uddin Ahmed, Md. Abu Sayed and other senior officials were present.