Shirin Shila, Zahara Mitu approach the law for publishing false news


Entertainment Report :

After the fall of the Awami League government, the news of the relationship of some heroines with various leaders of the party spread. A storm of condemnation arose with them on social media. The accused heroines are quite embarrassed by the whole incident.

Due to social harassment, film actresses Shirin Shila and Zahara Mitu have finally come to the door of the law.

Awami League’s top leader Obaidul Quader unveiled the cover of Zahara Mitu’s poetry book at the book fair in 2023. After the news spread recently due to that incident, Mitu had a relationship with Obaidul Quader.

The latest news is that Zahara Mitu has a relationship with two cricketers of the Bangladesh national cricket team.

This actress said that she is being harassed socially after such news.
Mitu said that she has already made a general diary at the police station.

While talking in this regard, Zahara Mitu told this correspondent, “The news spread about me has no basis, completely false. Because of the view trade, news has been made about me involving Mr Obaidul Quader. I never went to the ministry.”

“No one can give any proof about this. After publishing such news, many people are criticising negatively without verifying the truth or falsehood, I am temporarily humiliated.


I know these are not true; I have not done anything wrong. If there was any weakness, I would have covered my head, turned off the phone. Because I am shot in my place, I went to the door of the law without doing these things. I want to speak legally against the person who first made this news,” Mitu also said.

Meanwhile, Zahara Mitu said about the relationship with the two cricketers, “I have developed a good relationship with many cricketers due to the presentation of cricket related programmes. A good relationship does not become a secret relationship with anyone.”

Meanwhile, the news of film actress Shirin Shila’s relationship with Jubo League leader Arman and Samrat has spread. Because of those leaders, many think that the luxurious life and foreign travel of this heroine has happened.

Shirin Shila is upset about the issues. A general diary has been lodged with the police station against several YouTube channels and Facebook IDs, accusing them of social harassment by spreading false news.

While talking in this regard, Shirin Shila told this correspondent, “That channel spread false information about me without proof. Talking about my character and publishing negative news. I am involved in various types of anti-social activities. I fled the country.

By publishing this kind of false information without proof, I am being socially humiliated. It is dishonoring my family and relatives. An artiste’s life can be endangered by such false news, career can be destroyed. So, I went to the law.”

Apart from Zahara Mitu and Shirin Shila, various news about film actresses Nipun Akhtar and Sohana Saba are doing the rounds on various news portals and social media.

Sohana Saba posted on Facebook warning to take legal action for false news. She later deleted that post.