Severe heatwave in Ishwardi


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :

An intense heat wave is flowing over Ishwardi. From the first day of April, a moderate heat wave was blowing over Ishwardi. The season’s highest temperature of 40 degrees Celsius was recorded in Ishwardi on Saturday (April 6). Earlier on April 1 this year, the highest temperature in the country was recorded at 39 degrees in Ishwardi. Ishwardi Meteorological Office confirmed this information.
Meanwhile, people’s life has become miserable due to intense sun and unbearable heat. Rickshaw drivers, porters and low-income day laborers are the most affected. In the heat of the day, the life of the fasting people is intense. The working people are in dire straits due to the scorching sun and sweaty temperatures. Children were seen splashing in the pond for long periods of time due to the intense heat. Bitumen has started melting at various places on the Ishwardi-Pabna highway near the city’s post office junction due to the scorching heat of the last few days. Due to this, pitch is getting stuck in the wheels of vehicles moving on the road. As a result, drivers are driving at slower speeds.
Due to the severe drought, the water table in the tube wells has gone down. As a result, severe water shortage has occurred throughout the upazila. Municipal water department assistant engineer Prabir Biswas said, despite running all the machines to supply water in the supply line, it is difficult to supply water.
