S Alam Group donates medical equipments of Tk 3cr in Ctg

Chattogram Bureau :
S Alam Group, a noted industrial group of the port city, has donated medical equipments worth about Tk 3 crores to three hospitals in the city to help facilitate the covid-19 patients’ treatment. The valuable medical equipments handed over to Chattogram Medical College Hospital, Chattogram General Hospital and Maa O Shishu Hospital. These equipments include 6 ventilators, 8 high flow nazal conola. Besides, this group of company also donated one ventilator each to Dhaka Medical and Mugda Medical Hospital in the capital. Following the clarion call of BMA Chattogram unit Dr Faisal Iqbal chowdhury, Chairman of S Alam Group Saiful Alam Masud donated these medical equipments to three city hospitals, BMA sources said.