Rooppur Nuclear Plant: Transparency triumphs over fearmongering


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :

The use of nuclear energy is not new for Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been successfully using nuclear technology in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and research for a long time. However, Bangladesh is completely new to power generation using this technology. In this endeavor, Bangladesh is receiving financial and technical support from its long-standing ally, Russia.
Although nuclear power generation is new to Bangladesh, it has been a global practice for almost half a century. Given the financial, technical, and environmental benefits, around thirty countries worldwide are already using nuclear technology in power generation. As the global population increases and the available land decreases, densely populated and developing countries with limited energy resources are increasingly turning to nuclear power to support their socio-economic development.
Countries like Bangladesh considering nuclear energy for power generation are naturally apprehensive about accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, or Fukushima. In this regard, the Bangladesh government has prioritized safety in the implementation of the Rooppur nuclear power project which is now under construction.
The project uses one of the world’s safest technologies, the VVER-1200 reactor developed by Russia. This decision means that the Bangladesh government and related institutions, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, have placed utmost importance on selecting the reactor technology. This reactor is the latest version of the VVER-type reactor family. This technology will include all security features of the Russian Federation. The Rooppur project is being implemented step by step following all safety standards. It is being implemented by the current government with utmost importance. Even when the entire world came to a virtual standstill during the Covid-19 pandemic, the work on the Rooppur project went ahead maintaining proper hygiene protocols.
With Vision 2041 in mind, all the individuals and institutions related to the implementation of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Project in the interest of the country are working properly towards the successful completion of the project. The project features a five-tier security system and state-of- the-art reactors.
As a result, the Rooppur reactors will ensure safe power generation resilient against man-made accidents and natural calamities such as strong cyclones, earthquakes up to magnitude 9, floods, etc.
Developed countries like USA, Russia, France, Britain or China consider electricity generation from nuclear technology as the safest and most sustainable. Using this technology can help reduce energy import dependency.
Oil and gas reserves are decreasing day by day all over the world. Hence, relying on these imports becomes increasingly precarious and harmful to the environment. At the same time, oil and gas prices are also increasing day by day. However, nuclear power is an environmentally friendly means of power generation, enabling us to contribute to solving the problem of global warming by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.
Currently, 449 nuclear power plants operate in 30 countries of the world, generating about 12 per cent of the total electricity. A total of 65 nuclear power plants are under construction in 14 other countries, with plans to establish up to 173 nuclear power plants in 27 countries by 2025 already underway. Among these, 30 nuclear power plants will be built in new countries to the nuclear sector, like Bangladesh.
In a rapidly developing country like Bangladesh, it is most important to ensure the supply of electricity to improve its citizen’s socio-economic conditions and quality of life. At the moment we are mainly dependent on gas and coal for power generation, but our reserves are limited. So in this case we are import dependent.
As a result, we have to spend a lot of foreign currency reserves. Therefore, there is no alternative but to diversify our energy mix. As part of this, the Bangladesh government is implementing the Rooppur project. As per the perspective plan Bangladesh targets 12% nuclear power.
After overcoming various ups and downs, the government in 2009 took steps to ensure 20,000 MW of power generation by 2021 by giving top priority to the development of the energy and power sector with the aim of realizing “Vision-2021”. This led to a series of agreements between the Government of Bangladesh and the Russian Federation, starting with the signing of an ‘Understanding’ on 13 May 2009 on the ‘Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy’, followed by the signing of a ‘Framework Agreement’ on 21 May 2010 and the signing of a ‘Framework Agreement’ on 02 November 2011 at Rooppur. A cooperation agreement was signed regarding the construction of the two-unit nuclear power plant, each with an estimated 1,000 MW power generation capacity.
On 15 January 2013, an agreement was signed for a ‘State Export Credit’ of US$ 500 million to carry out preparatory phase construction works of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. As per the contract, the technology supplier company will supply state-of-the-art power VVER reactors equipped with all safety features suitable for the Rooppur project. Currently, the Russian contractor company Atomstroyexport is carrying out various preparatory phase works at Rooppur.
The construction of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is being conducted in strict adherence to the guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). As part of this agreement, experts from IAEA visit Bangladesh from time to time to provide their advice. Recently, the IAEA has donated a ‘PC Based Generic VVER-1200 Simulator’ worth 1.5 lakh euros to aid in the human resource development associated with the project.
The electricity generated by the successful implementation of the project will play a significant role in improving the standard of living of the people and will bring revolutionary changes in the establishment of new industries.
Along with sustainable development, this project will play a crucial role in the protection of the environment. Public involvement is crucial to the successful implementation of any project. Therefore, all involved with the project should ensure accurate and accurate information dissemination regarding the Rooppur nuclear power plant among the general public. Considering this, we hope that the general public will perceive the project as a blessing instead of fearing it.
