RNPP excavated soil now a thorn in the side


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :

A large amount of soil was initially excavated from deep below the surface to set up the Rooppur Nuclear Power Project (RNPP) under construction at Ishwardi. Later that soil was given free to various institutions of Ishwardi. In the month of November-December 2020, municipal stadiums, fields of various educational institutions, ponds, drains and other places were filled with that soil. Now that soil used in institutions has become a thorn in the side. These soils have become as hard as rock in such a way that no work can be done on the filled areas.
According to the project sources, in the beginning, liquid cement was poured by piling to strengthen the surface soil of the Padma river bank in the project area. This cement spreads into the surrounding soil. Later, during the laying of different foundation widths, soil is lifted from below. This soil mixed with cement is supplied to various institutions of Ishwardi free of charge without any use for the project. This soil mixed with cement has hardened like concrete and has become a thorn in the neck.
It is known that in 2020, around 450 truckloads of soil were dumped at a height of two feet across the 6.54 acres of Ishwardi Municipal Stadium. At present, that soil has become so hard as rock that the stadium field will not be usable until it is removed. Because no grass is growing on this ground. Similarly, the upazila’s Abul Hossain High School playground, Government SM Model School and College canal, various sinkholes, drains and soil dumped on the side of the road are also in trouble with the concerned authorities.
On the surface, it can be seen in the municipal stadium, the whole field is covered with stone. The piled earth around the field has also turned into solid rock. Maruf Hossain, the coach of Ishwardi Cricket Academy, said that the stadium has not been played for the last four years.