Readers’ Voice


Ensure due supply of medicines

The demand for medicines has increased. Many drug dealers are taking advantage of this. They have increased the prices of many essential medicines. The Department of Drug Administration says no drug price has been raised in a year and a half. The drug companies are saying the same thing. So why are the sellers raising the prices of medicines and causing misery to the common people? Medicine is not a luxury consumer product. Human life and death depend on it. In this case, protecting the interests of the buyer is much more important.
That is why we want all kinds of cooperation from the government for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. However, everything has to be done keeping in view the quality of medicines and proper control of the internal market. To this end, it is important to take regular monitoring of the drug market.

Ashikujaman Syed
Bioinformatics Research Lab


Education to develop morality

Education is a tool that transforms lives and enables people to learn new knowledge, skills, and habits passed down through generations via teaching, learning, and research. Education can improve the moral values of individuals, particularly students, and is the best way to cultivate ethical principles. Before discussing the importance and impact of moral and ethical values on students, it’s essential to understand what ethics are. As Aristotle said, humans are social animals and cannot live in isolation.
They are dependent on others and the environment they live in. The behavior and actions made with others and the way one interacts with and treats others are called values, which influence human behavior. Positive values are necessary for human development.

Shazia Bano
From Internet
