Readers’ Forum


Hard to believe
I am feeling very curious about the mental state of the members of the newly formed government. How are they adjusting to their roles of Ministers and MPs, which they became without the mandate of the people, of whom 90% wanted the election to be held under CTG and in the one sided election only 5% vote was cast. People do not mean anything to them, with disdain to their demand and hope, the government went ahead saying it is bound by constitution and the 11th parliamentary election will be held soon, including every party. But now they are saying that, they have been elected for give years and they will finish the term.
In the past when I went abroad, I used to feel homesick, now everything has changed, now Bangladesh seems to be an unknown place, figures are lurking everywhere wearing masks, the country is immersed in anarchy. Everyday news of horrible and unjust acts reach us, dead bodies are being recovered regularly and destruction is taking place at any time and anywhere. We never thought that our beloved country would become so hapless.
Nur Jahan
