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Sunday, February 9, 2025
Founder : Barrister Mainul Hosein

RCC intensifies conservancy drives to improve environ


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Raishahi City Corporation has intensified conservancy drives giving emphasis on the issue of improving the city’s environmental condition. On Monday afternoon, City Mayor Mosaddeque Hossain Bulbul accompanied by some of his council members visited some of the city areas including Mohisbathan and personally participated in the house to house wastes collection activities. Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Bulbul urged all officials and staffs concerned to remain alert so that the conservancy activities are functioned properly and smoothly for maintaining a healthy atmosphere. Apart from this, he urged the city dwellers not to dump solid wastes into drains, open spaces and water bodies which cause environmental potation and health hazards. RCC has 1,073 waste management manpower provided With eight tractors, 16 lorries, two hydraulic trucks and 182 rickshaw-vans to collect wastes from households. Mayor Bulbul said the city corporation has established 14 secondary points in where the collected household wastes and garbage are being preserved before removal to the landfill. Six more secondary trans¬former stations will be set up at a cost of Talus 6.25 crore. On completion of the con-struction works, there has a plan of setting up eight other points in future. Step has been taken to set up five more modem slaughter houses in addition to sanitary landfills. In the project, there is also provisionof setting up compost plant for manufacturing fertilizer from solid wastes. With its own fund, the cor¬poration has taken step of setting up five other slaughter houses and the process is going on, Bulbul added. Council members Nuruzzaman Tito, Rabiul Aloes Mils, Mahbub Sated TideI Camnizzaman, Nuruzzaman, Sohrab Hossain Sheikh and Iqbal Hossain and Chief Conservancy Officer Sheikh Mamun were present on the occasion.

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