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Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Founder : Barrister Mainul Hosein

Rangpur Urdu speaking people hold hunger strike

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Sr. Staff Reporter, Rangpur :

Urdu speaking people living in Bangladesh hold symbolic hunger strike in Rangpur to press home their 4-point demand. More than a hundred of Urdu speakers, men and women, and children participated in the hunger on Sunday. SPGRC Rangpur branch president Sharfuddin, joint general secretary Khurshid Alam and other leaders spoke during the hunger strike.
They complained that no initiative has been taken to solve the problems of Urdu-speaking Biharis even after 54 years of independence. The interim government formed through the anti-discrimination movement after the fall of the Awami League government is not taking any action, even though it is expected that it will take effective steps regarding them.Four demands were raised from there. The demands are the official rehabilitation of Urdu speakers with dignity.
the provision of free electricity and water to all Urdu speaking camps until the problem is resolved, the cessation of evictions from railway sites and other places until the problem is resolved, and the equal provision of all fundamental rights without discrimination. The speakers demanded that the four-point demands be accepted on an urgent basis. Otherwise, they warned of announcing a strict program.

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