Rally in Rangpur to demand cancellation of duty on bidi


Business report :
Bidi workers demanded that the bidi industry to be declared a cottage industry by withdrawing the bidi duty and advance income tax as during Bangabandhu’s era. They called for an end to the conspiracy of the British American Tobacco Company by demanding all kinds of benefits to the workers from the government like the neighboring country India. Bangladesh Bidi Sramik Federation, Greater Rangpur Region made these demands from the labor rally held at Rangpur Public Library ground on Sunday.
General Secretary of Greater Rangpur Region Bidi Sramik Union Abul Hasnat Lovelu presided over the rally and President of Bangladesh Bidi Sramik Federation Amin Uddin (BSC) presided over the rally. Mostafizar Rahman, Mayor of Rangpur City Corporation (Joint), was present as the chief guest. Rangpur Metropolitan Awami League former president Safiur Rahman Sofi was present as a special guest . General Secretary of Bidi Sramik Federation Harik Hossain was present as the main speaker.
Bangladesh Bidi Workers Federation Vice President Nazim Uddin, Anwar Hossain, Joint Secretary Abdul Ghafoor, Organizing Secretary Shamim Islam, Co-Organizing Secretary Lutfar Rahman etc. spoke at the gathering.
Mayor of Rangpur City Corporation (Rasik) Mostafizar Rahman said that the ancient labor-intensive bidi industry should be saved from the conspiracy of foreign multinational companies. About 2 million workers across the country earn their living by working in beedi factories. To protect the livelihood and employment of the workers, the duty on beedi should be withdrawn. Beedi industry should be declared as a cottage industry by increasing the wages of beedi workers.