Quader lauds Hasina’s India visit as fruitful


Staff Reporter :

In a recent visit to New Delhi, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has solidified her nation’s strategic and diplomatic ties with India, signing multiple agreements aimed at fostering cooperation and mutual progress.

The visit, lauded by officials as exceptionally productive, saw the signing of 10 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and the announcement of 13 specific declarations.

Obaidul Quader, the General Secretary of the Awami League and the Minister for Road Transport and Bridges, described the visit as “cordial, fantastic, and fruitful.”

In a statement responding to criticisms from the opposition, Quader on Sunday said that the visit
reflected significant advancements and achievements for both nations.


Prime Minister Hasina’s diplomacy, Quader asserted, consistently prioritises the dignity and interests of Bangladesh and its people. This visit, he highlighted, was a testament to her commitment to national security and welfare in both domestic and international policies.
Quader criticised the opposition BNP for failing to recognize the successes of Hasina’s administration.
He stressed the importance of strengthening strategic relations with India, Bangladesh’s largest neighbor, and noted that Prime Minister Hasina’s efforts have restored trust and cooperation that had diminished under previous regimes.
A notable outcome of the visit is the introduction of e-medical visas for Bangladeshi patients, a move that promises to significantly ease access to medical services in India.

On the critical issue of Teesta river water sharing, Quader acknowledged the complexities due to differing opinions within India but highlighted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to dispatch a technical team to Bangladesh to address the matter.

Quader contrasted the current government’s proactive approach with the BNP’s past inaction, pointing out that former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia failed to address the Ganges water issue during her tenure.

He highlighted the completion of the 30-year Ganges Water Sharing Agreement and progress on territorial and enclave agreements as examples of Prime Minister Hasina’s effective leadership.

The visit, Quader suggested, not only reinforced bilateral ties but also set the stage for peaceful resolutions of other pending issues with India and potentially with other countries. He expressed confidence that under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership, Bangladesh will continue to navigate its foreign relations successfully, ensuring the nation’s continued growth and prosperity.
