Protect Hindus Says Fakhrul


Staff Reporter :

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday called upon BNP leaders and activists to ensure the protection of minority communities. Addressing a rally at Haripur Madrasa premises in Thakurgaon, Fakhrul stressed the importance of safeguarding minorities, especially during Durga Puja.

“The BNP men must protect minority communities even at the cost of our lives. We have to ensure that they can complete their Durga Puja in a festive and peaceful manner.

Our leaders and activists must be vigilant in this regard,” Fakhrul said during his speech, which also focused on demanding the trial of members of the former Sheikh Hasina government and their allies.

Fakhrul also expressed the BNP’s willingness to give the interim government time to carry out necessary reforms, saying, “We have suffered greatly over the past 15 to 16 years.”

He referred to the recent overthrow of Sheikh Hasina following a mass uprising led by students, which resulted in the former Prime Minister fleeing to India.


“Tyrant Sheikh Hasina was forced to flee the country following a student-led mass uprising. This proved once again that no one can sustain by violating the limit. The leader of those who used to rule us with audacity was forced to flee to India. We should learn from this. If we do such acts, we must face similar consequences,” he remarked.

Fakhrul took a jab at Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader, who had earlier made a statement claiming he would not flee but would go to Fakhrul’s home. “Where is he (Quader) now? Come here to my Thakurgaon home to take refuge,” the BNP leader said in an amused tone.

During the rally, Fakhrul highlighted the misdeeds of the ousted Awami League government, stating that new information is coming to light daily. “They had raised ‘Ayna Ghar’ inside the cantonment, where BNP and Jamaat leaders were held. Brigadier Azmi was kept confined there. The family members of Ilias Ali do not know what to do now – whether to pray for his soul or wait for his return,” he said, adding that the BNP should avoid following in the footsteps of the Awami League if they wish to avoid a similar fate.

Fakhrul also urged BNP supporters to assist those within the administration who wish to work honestly and diligently. He emphasised that while the BNP wants to maintain good relations with India, they will not hesitate to protest any injustice done to Bangladesh.

The BNP Secretary General concluded his speech by asking for prayers for the health and success of party chief Begum Khaleda Zia and Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman, stating, “They have kept us united and led us successfully.”

The rally was presided over by Haripur Upazila BNP President Jamal Uddin and was attended by several senior BNP leaders, including Thakurgaon District General Secretary Mirza Foysal Amin, Organising Secretary Obaidullah Masud, Joint Secretary Poygam Ali, Finance Secretary Sharif Hossain, DAB Secretary General Dr Abdus Salam, and other BNP front organisation leaders.
