Private sector exclusion threatens reform efforts, warns TIB


Staff Reporter :

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has expressed concern over the lack of active participation from the private sector in the interim government’s advisory council, as well as the insufficient attention given to this sector in the government’s ongoing policy reform activities.

In a statement issued on Sunday, TIB emphasized that it would be nearly impossible to establish a non-discriminatory and participatory development system or reform labor policies in this crucial sector without including the private sector, which is one of the key drivers of the economy.

The organization called for the inclusion of representatives from the private business sector in the advisory council. Furthermore, it urged the formation of a commission to develop a Business Integrity Strategy to ensure transparency within this vital industry.


According to media reports, the government has decided to establish four reform commissions focused on health, media, labor, and women’s rights as part of the second phase of its reform initiatives across various sectors.

TIB Executive Director Dr. Iftekharuzzaman noted, “We must remember that a segment of the private sector contributed to the development of authoritarianism by capturing the policy framework. This led to a lack of accountability, including irregularities, corruption, and money laundering.”

He added, “It is very difficult to achieve effective results by excluding such a key sector if we are to realize the dream of a discrimination-free Bangladesh. It is crucial to ensure the private sector’s presence in the interim government’s structure to address this situation.”

Calling on the interim government to ensure transparency and accountability in the private sector, Dr. Iftekharuzzaman further explained, “The exploitative system, created through collusion between the fallen authoritarian government and a part of the private sector, was not only stifling the economy’s potential but also hindering the natural development of the private sector.”
