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Press club Annual sports inaugurated


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Chattogram Bureau :
Chairman and Managing Director of Saif PowerTech Limited Tarafdar Ruhul Amin formally inaugurated the yearly sports event at the club’s PHP VIP Lounge recently.
Speaking at the inaugural programme, he said that sports are very important for bringing youth out of various media, including Face book. If the mental structure of the youth is not proper, it cannot be carried forward. That is why we have to play a significant role in the sports field. We need to get out of these bad aspects of IT and bring our youth back to the playground. Sports should not be restricted to the central or divisional cities of Dhaka only.
Four years ago, Chittagong port was the 98th in the world. It currently reaches 64th position in world renking. About 90% of the country’s exports are managed through this port. Per capita income of the people of the country has increased Bangladesh is going ahead in all sectors under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
He said the port of Chittagong is an invaluable gift of the Creator to the people of Bangladesh. It is our responsibility to protect this wealth. The center of the economy is one of the most important of Bangladesh’s progress in Chittagong. And the contribution of the media workers is one of the most important controllers going forward. For this, journalists in Chittagong demand praise for their role. Describing his experience in the Chittagong port, the chairman of Saif Power Tech said, “I have personally worked hard.
 Chittagong port is the focus of Bangladesh’s economy. Ninety two percent of the total import and export of the country is done through the port of Chittagong. We pride ourselves on being part of that process.
Tarafdar Ruhul Amin said the football game is mixed with the blood of the Bengali nation. Sheikh Kamal is a dreamer of Bangladesh football, and he wants to take football far beyond the formation of the Abahani Club. But after a long time, Bangladesh is finally moving forward in football. We have started Sheikh Kamal International Football Tournament since 2015. Through the tournament, we want to make Sheikh Kamal’s dream a reality. I would like to assist everyone to make this tournament a success in Chittagong for the third time in October this year. Chittagong Press Club President Ali Abbas Presided over the Meeting. joint secretary Nazrul Islam worked as moderator. Press Club General Farid Uddin Chowdhury gave the welcome address.
Ali Abbas said the biggest cheer for Chittagong Press Club members and family members is the annual sports competition. Journalists are also proficient in various sports and they take part in the competition because of their qualifications.
He also thanked Chairman of Saif Power Tech, for sponsorship.

Former President of Press Club Kaleem Sarwar, Vice President of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists Riaz Haider Chowdhury, Chittagong Journalist Union President Nazimuddin Shymal, Chittagong Press Club Senior Vice President Salahuddin Reza, Sports Secretary of the Chittagong Press Club Debashish Barua Debu, former general secretary Mohsin Chowdhury also present during the Meeting.

Earlier, the Chief Guest was greeted and honored by the Press Club. Press Club Managing Committee Vice-President Manjur Quader Manju, Finance Secretary Devdulal Bhowmik, Library Secretary Rashed Mahmud, Social welfare Secretary Md. Ayub Ali, Publicity Secretary, Mintu Chowdhury, Executive member. Shamsul Islam, SM Ibrahim, Kazi Abul Mansour along with permanent- temporary members of the club were present.

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