

Poet Farrukh Ahmad

M. Mizanur Rahman

Farrukh, you are Ahmad-e-Muhammad,
ever responding to the call of Islam,
ever awaken being the standard bearer of Islam.
Holding you in our memory,
we salute you, O the courageous soldier.
You had neither bowed down to falsehood
nor defeated by anyone.


Nazrul questioned, “Where’s that Musalman
who has got complete faith in Islam?”
We know that you are that great faithful
who brings forth the very essence of Islam
 in Bengali literary works.
You have the deathless poetry of Islam
 that echoed humanism.
O the poet of Islamic renaissance
in Bengali literary works;
for we should never forget you,
on the way to Hera,
Wherein lays human emancipation, Heaven’s glow,
and the message of peace;
where we Muslims, from all over the world,
will get together without fear.

The Muslims, with the strength of faith
and its truth will ever remain fearless.
‘Kholafaey Rashedin’ once
lit the Heavenly light on earth that remains
in our bounded bond
which will usher in good-will; we are fond
of the call of our Great Prophet
undying for the Muslims.

That immortal equality and friendliness
in intuitive bond should remain unbroken
ever in our prayer;
that unseen divine standard studded with moon
lighted here flooding; let’s enjoy it at once
and remove darkness of ignorance.