National Desk :
The Sundarbans is crisscrossed by numerous rivers, streams, and canals, which overflow during high tide, allowing water to enter the forest.
However, when a fire breaks out in the Sundarbans, an adequate water supply that firefighters can rely on is often unavailable.
The absence of nearby water sources causes the fire to spread uncontrollably, making firefighting operations difficult.
Firefighters and forest officials frequently struggle to control the blazes, often relying solely on tidal water. If the tide recedes, firefighting efforts must be halted.
To address this issue, the Forest Department is planning to excavate large ponds within the Sundarbans to serve as permanent water sources.
Additionally, initiatives have been taken to dredge the rivers and canals to ensure better water flow.
Once implemented, these measures will not only meet emergency water demands but also help wildlife meet their water needs, reports UNB.
A recent fire in the Shaplar Beel area of the Sundarbans posed a significant challenge for the Forest Department and the Fire Brigade due to the lack of a nearby water source.
To combat the blaze, authorities had to install a pump and pipeline nearly three kilometers away from the Bhola River.
However, the river did not provide a consistent water supply, forcing firefighters to wait for high tide.
When the tide receded, the river dried up, suspending firefighting operations until the next high tide.
The Bhola River, which has become shallow due to sedimentation, fails to retain sufficient water even during high tide.
Firefighters and forest officials claim that had the Bhola River contained an adequate water supply, the fire in Shaplar Beel could have been extinguished much earlier.